Descendentes de Sebatian Ruschel - gerações 6 e 7
Dados parciais, até onde coletados.
258. Renato Ruschel (Lauro, Clemente Augusto, Nicolau, Michael
(Miguel ), Sebastian).
He had the following children:
362 M i. Ricardo Ruschel .
363 M ii. Regis Ruschel .
364 M iii. Rene Ruschel .
365 F iv. Aline Ruschel .
259. Orlando Tadeu Ruschel (Lauro, Clemente Augusto, Nicolau, Michael
(Miguel ), Sebastian).
He had the following children:
366 F i. Fabíola Ruschel .
367 F ii. Fernanda Ruschel .
368 F iii. Laura Ruschel .
260. Lauro José Ruschel (Lauro, Clemente Augusto, Nicolau, Michael
(Miguel ), Sebastian).
He had the following children:
369 F i. Bárbara Ruschel .
268. Angela Maria Ruschel (Carlos Nicolau, Luis Paulino, Nicolau,
Michael (Miguel ), Sebastian) was born on 10 Mar 1954 in Porto Alegre, RS.
Angela married (1) Roni Korb .
Roni was born on 5 May 1952. He died on 3 Jul 1989.
Roni and Angela had the following
370 M i. Carlos Ruschel Korb Korb was born on 23 Jun 1980.
371 F ii. Luisa Ruschel Korb Korb was born on 21 Oct 1982.
372 M iii. João Vitor Ruschel Mossi was born on 18 Oct 1993.
Angela married (2) André Mossi
269. Maria Cristina Ruschel (Carlos Nicolau, Luis Paulino, Nicolau,
Michael (Miguel ), Sebastian) was born on 16 Jun 1955.
Maria married Sérgio Träsel .
They had the following children:
373 M i. Marcelo Ruschel Träsel was born on 6 Sep 1978.
374 M ii. Felipe Ruschel Träsel was born on 14 Nov 1979.
270. Virgínia Maria Ruschel (Carlos Nicolau, Luis Paulino, Nicolau,
Michael (Miguel ), Sebastian) was born on 27 Jun 1957.
Virgínia married João Lúcio da
Costa Lopes . João was born on 1 Oct 1946 in Lisboa, Portugal.
They had the following children:
375 M i. RicardoRuschel da Costa Lopes was born on 24 Sep 1996 in Lisboa, Portugal.
271. Vera Lúcia Ruschel (Carlos Nicolau, Luis Paulino, Nicolau,
Michael (Miguel ), Sebastian) was born on 12 Mar 1959.
Vera married Luiz Felipe
Correia de Oliveira . Luiz was born on 21 Nov.
They had the following children:
376 M i. Pedro Ruschel Correia de Oliveira was born on 12 Jun 1983.
377 F ii. Júlia Ruschel Correia de Oliveira was born on 22 Mar 1985.
378 F iii. Bruna Ruschel Correia de Oliveira was born on 21 Sep 1989.
272. Elaine Beatriz Ruschel (Carlos Nicolau, Luis Paulino, Nicolau,
Michael (Miguel ), Sebastian) was born on 7 Oct 1961.
Elaine married Álvaro Fernando
Laitano da Silva . Álvaro was born on 12 Mar 1957.
They had the following children:
379 M i. Ramiro Ruschel Laitano da Silva was born on 28 Apr 1987.
380 M ii. Vicente Ruschel Laitano da Silva was born on 5 Apr 1989.
381 F iii. Vitória Ruschel Laitano da Silva was born on 28 Jan 1992.
283. Flávia Heberle (NORMA Ruschel, ALBINO, FRANCISCO, JOHANN,
Sebastian) was born on 12 Jul 1945 in Itapiranga SC Brazil.
Flávia married Simão Soares .
Simão died in Novo Hamburgo RS Brazil.
Simão and Flávia had the
following children:
382 M i. Marco Antonio Soares .
Marco married Osvaldina .
383 F ii. Naira Soares .
Naira married Magno Xistus Müller .
284. Aurea Heberle (NORMA Ruschel, ALBINO, FRANCISCO, JOHANN,
Sebastian) was born on 17 Jul 1946 in Itapiranga SC Brazil.
Aurea married Pedro Pauli .
They had the following children:
+ 384 F i. Clair Pauli .
+ 385 F ii. Carla Pauli .
286. Noemia Heberle (NORMA Ruschel, ALBINO, FRANCISCO, JOHANN,
Sebastian) was born on 30 Sep 1948 in Itapiranga SC Brazil.
Noemia married Oliveira
Introvini Pinheiro .
They had the following children:
+ 386 F i. Carlise Pinheiro .
+ 387 M ii. Adriano Pinheiro .
+ 388 M iii. Carlito Pinheiro .
287. Alice Heberle (NORMA Ruschel, ALBINO, FRANCISCO, JOHANN,
Sebastian) was born on 19 Jun 1950 in Itapiranga SC Brazil.
Alice married Jose Inácio
Bieger . Jose was born on 13 Dec 1949 in Cerro Largo, RS.
They had the following children:
+ 389 M i. Eduardo Bieger was born on 22 Jan 1973.
+ 390 M ii. Evandro Bieger was born on 7 Apr 1974.
391 M iii. Edgar Bieger was born on 31 Jan 1983 in Itapiranga, SC.
392 F iv. Ester Bieger was born on 8 Dec 1988 in Itapiranga, SC.
288. Miguel Renato Heberle (NORMA Ruschel, ALBINO, FRANCISCO, JOHANN,
Sebastian) was born on 4 Oct 1951 in Itapiranga SC Brazil.
Miguel married Otília Madalena
Wilhelmsen .
They had the following children:
393 F i. Ana Christina Heberle was born in 1981 in Porto Alegre RS.
394 M ii. Guilherme Heberle was born on 4 May 1982 in Porto Alegre RS.
395 M iii. Ricardo Heberle was born in 1987 in Porto Alegre RS.
289. Aloisio Heberle (NORMA Ruschel, ALBINO, FRANCISCO, JOHANN,
Sebastian) was born on 17 Apr 1954.
Aloisio married Jacinta Froehlich .
They had the following children:
396 F i. Nara Heberle .
397 F ii. Luana Heberle .
290. Jeronimo Heberle (NORMA Ruschel, ALBINO, FRANCISCO, JOHANN,
Sebastian) was born on 14 Nov 1955 in Itapiranga SC Brazil.
Jeronimo married Lucia Eidt .
They had the following children:
398 M i. Marcos Heberle .
399 M ii. Henry Heberle .
292. Milton José Heberle (NORMA Ruschel, ALBINO, FRANCISCO, JOHANN,
Sebastian) was born on 28 Dec 1958 in Itapiranga SC Brazil.
Milton married Paulino .
They had the following children:
400 F i. Danielle Heberle .
401 M ii. Aduan Heberle .
295. Valdir Heberle (NORMA Ruschel, ALBINO, FRANCISCO, JOHANN,
Sebastian) was born on 15 Nov 1961 in Itapiranga SC Brazil.
Valdir married Castro .
They had the following children:
402 M i. Alisson Heberle .
403 M ii. Bruno Heberle .
296. Carlito Heberle (NORMA Ruschel, ALBINO, FRANCISCO, JOHANN,
Sebastian) was born on 7 Aug 1963 in Itapiranga SC Brazil.
Carlito married Regina
Boaventura .
They had the following children:
404 M i. Thiago Boaventura Heberle was born on 1 Oct 2005 in Balneário Camboriu,
313. Andrea Terezinha Ruschel (Silio Albino, ALBINO, FRANCISCO, JOHANN,
Sebastian) was born on 30 Nov 1968.
Andrea married Jonir Graebin .
The marriage ended in divorce.
They had the following children:
405 M i. Matheus Graebin was born on 3 Sep 1992.
315. Caroline Ruschel (Silio Albino, ALBINO, FRANCISCO, JOHANN,
Sebastian) was born on 3 Nov 1979.
Caroline married Alexandre Rodrigo dos Santos on 17 Jan 1997 in Carazinho, RS. Alexandre was
born on 5 Nov 1973.
They had the following children:
406 M i. Guilherme Ruschel dos Santos was born on 8 Jul 1997.
331. Régis Roberto Ruschel (Ruy Rubem, Henrique Affonso, João
Luiz(Ludovico), JOHANN, Sebastian) was born in 1950.
Régis married Vera Regina
Antunes .
They had the following children:
407 M i. Ramiro Ruschel was born in 1977.
Ramiro married Viviane Schaeffer Bauer .
408 M ii. Roberto Ruschel was born in 1979.
409 F iii. Raissa Ruschel was born in 1991.
332. Rogério Raupp Ruschel (Ruy Rubem, Henrique Affonso, João
Luiz(Ludovico), JOHANN, Sebastian) was born in 1952.
Rogério married Marisa Boni .
They had the following children:
410 M i. Rafael Boni Ruschel .
411 F ii. Renata Boni Ruschel .
333. Ricardo Raupp Ruschel (Ruy Rubem, Henrique Affonso, João
Luiz(Ludovico), JOHANN, Sebastian) was born in 1955.
Ricardo married Monica Esteve .
They had the following children:
412 F i. Raquel Esteve Ruschel was born in 1979.
413 M ii. Rodrigo Esteve Ruschel was born in 1981.
414 F iii. Rossana Esteve Ruschel .
334. Rubem Raupp Ruschel (Ruy Rubem, Henrique Affonso, João
Luiz(Ludovico), JOHANN, Sebastian) was born in 1966.
Rubem married Luciana Knaben
da Silva .
They had the following children:
415 M i. Renan Knaben da Silva Ruschel .
416 F ii. Rebeca Knaben da Silva Ruschel .
336. Norton Ruschel (Rony, Henrique Affonso, João Luiz(Ludovico),
JOHANN, Sebastian).
He had the following children:
417 M i. Cristiano Ruschel .
418 M ii. Fábio Ruschel .
419 M iii. Rafael Mendes Ribeiro Ruschel .
339. Ricardo Henrique Ruschel (Renato, Henrique Affonso, João
Luiz(Ludovico), JOHANN, Sebastian).
He had the following children:
420 M i. Rodrigo Ruschel .
421 F ii. Rebeca Ruschel .
384. Clair Pauli (Aurea Heberle, NORMA Ruschel, ALBINO,
Clair married Otávio Bieger .
They had the following children:
422 F i. Dainá Bieger .
423 M ii. Diogo Bieger .
385. Carla Pauli (Aurea Heberle, NORMA Ruschel, ALBINO,
She had the following children:
424 F i. Daina .
425 M ii. Alanderson .
386. Carlise Pinheiro (Noemia Heberle, NORMA Ruschel, ALBINO,
Carlise married Simões .
They had the following children:
426 M i. Gabriel Simões .
387. Adriano Pinheiro (Noemia Heberle, NORMA Ruschel, ALBINO,
Adriano married Annelise
Andres .
They had the following children:
427 M i. Andrei Pinheiro .
388. Carlito Pinheiro (Noemia Heberle, NORMA Ruschel, ALBINO,
Carlito married Everene
Mariano .
They had the following children:
428 M i. Lucas Pinheiro .
389. Eduardo Bieger (Alice Heberle, NORMA Ruschel, ALBINO,
FRANCISCO, JOHANN, Sebastian) was born on 22 Jan 1973 in Itapiranga, SC.
Eduardo married Jeane
Sifuentes Bieger on 2 Jul 1994.
They had the following children:
429 M i. Henrique José Bieger was born on 17 Aug 1998 in Blumenau, SC.
430 F ii. Heloise Bieger was born on 27 May 2003 in Blumenau, SC.
390. Evandro Bieger (Alice Heberle, NORMA Ruschel, ALBINO,
FRANCISCO, JOHANN, Sebastian) was born on 7 Apr 1974 in Itapiranga, SC.
Evandro married Luciana
Aparecida Nilles Bieger on 31 Jan
1998 in Curitibanos, SC.
They had the following children:
431 F i. Débora Cristine Bieger .
432 F ii. Aline Nilles Bieger .
How can I send you information about the following decendents from 183. CARLOS NICOLAU RUSCHEL? My name is Júlia Ruschel Corrêa de Oliveira Juliano, I am Vera's daughter. Thank you for this incredible register of my history:)